31 December 2022

The material in this blog post is planned to eventually be an appendix of a paper, but I thought I’d post it here separately as it’s hopefully of some independent interest. Also, this draft is a good way to check for errors - let me know if you spot any!

The idea is to prove convergence of the ABC posterior to the true posterior as \(\epsilon \to 0\). I’ll cover previous proofs, extend them, and relate them to the key underlying mathematical results.

Bayesian setting

Consider the Bayesian setting with:

  • Prior density \(p(\theta)\)
  • Model density \(f(y \vert \theta)\)
  • Observations \(y_0\)

I’ll assume \(\theta \in \mathbb{R}^d\), \(y \in \mathbb{R}^n\), and that \(p(\cdot)\) and \(f(\cdot | \theta)\) are densities with respect to Lebesgue measure. Therefore \(f(\cdot | \theta)\) is an integrable function.

Now let:

\[\begin{aligned} L(\theta) &= f(y_0 | \theta) && \text{likelihood} \\ \tilde{p}(\theta | y_0) &= p(\theta) L(\theta) && \text{unnormalised posterior density} \\ Z &= \int \tilde{p}(\theta | y_0) d\theta && \text{normalising constant} \\ p(\theta | y) &= \tilde{p}(\theta | y_0) / Z && \text{posterior density} \end{aligned}\]

Throughout, all integrals are over the full \(\theta\) or \(y\) space, unless the domain of integration is specified.

I’ll assume:

  • A1: \(Z>0\) (the observations are supported under the prior and model)

Later I’ll also use the notation:

\[Z(y) = \int p(\theta) f(y | \theta) d\theta,\]

noting that \(Z(y_0) = Z\) and \(\int Z(y) dy = 1\).


  • I think all the results below also hold for discrete \(\theta\) and \(y\) distributions. I think it’s also fine for \(p(\cdot)\) to be a density with respect to a more general measure but I’m not whether this is the case for \(f(\cdot|\theta)\). There are some comments below on where the proof needs modification for these cases.
  • Edit May 2023: A case not covered by this proof is when \(y\) is continuous but \(y | \theta\) is singular with respect to Lebesgue measure. This can occur if a component of \(y\) is a deterministic function of \(\theta\), and can produce a posterior which is singular with respect to the prior, thus requiring more sophisticated measure theoretic tools.

ABC posterior and likelihood

Many ABC algorithms produce samples from the ABC posterior \(p_\epsilon(\theta | y)\). For an overview see for example Sisson et al (2018). The ABC posterior can be defined as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} L_\epsilon(\theta) &= \int K_\epsilon(y-y_0) f(y | \theta) dy && \text{ABC likelihood} \\ \tilde{p}_\epsilon(\theta | y_0) &= p(\theta) L_\epsilon(\theta) && \text{unnormalised ABC posterior density} \\ Z_\epsilon &= \int \tilde{p}_\epsilon(\theta | y_0) d\theta && \text{ABC normalising constant} \\ p_\epsilon(\theta | y_0) &= \tilde{p}_\epsilon(\theta | y_0) / Z_\epsilon && \text{ABC posterior density} \end{aligned}\]

Here \(K_\epsilon\) is a kernel function and \(\epsilon > 0\) is a bandwidth. We’ll consider kernels of the form: \(K_\epsilon(y) = \epsilon^{-n} K(y/\epsilon),\) where \(K\) is base kernel, a non-negative function \(\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}\). We assume:

  • K1: \(K\) is bounded
  • K2: \(\int K(y) dy = 1\).
  • K3: \(K(y) > 0\) for \(\vert \vert y \vert \vert \leq 1\) (where \(\vert \vert \cdot \vert \vert\) is the Euclidean norm).

The most common base kernel used in ABC is the uniform kernel:

\[K_U(y) = 1[||y|| \leq 1] / k_U\]

were \(1[\cdot]\) is an indicator function and \(k_U\) is a suitable normalising constant (volume of an \(n\)-ball). Also common is the Gaussian kernel:

\[K_G(y) = \exp[-\tfrac{1}{2} ||y||^2] / k_G\]

where \(k_G = (2 \pi)^{n/2}\).


  • The ABC likelihood and posterior are similar to kernel density estimates, which is where the bandwidth terminology is taken from.
  • The \(k_U\) and \(k_G\) constants ensure that K2 is satisfied. In a lot of ABC literature this plays no role, so the kernels are often defined without these constants.
  • Under K2, \(K\) and \(K_\epsilon\) are probability density functions. The ABC posterior is then the posterior under the model plus independent noise from \(K_\epsilon\) (see Wilkinson 2013).
  • In other contexts, the Gaussian kernel is known as the heat kernel.

ABC posterior convergence

The goal is to show that the ABC posterior converges in distribution to the posterior in the limit \(\epsilon \to 0\).

Previous work

Rubio and Johansen (2013) (Proposition 1) prove ABC posterior convergence given:

  • A kernel (defined slightly differently to above) with bounded support.
  • Some continuity and local boundedness requirements on \(f(y \vert \theta)\).

Prangle (2017) (Theorem 1, in the supplement) proves ABC posterior convergence for almost all \(y_0\) given:

  • A uniform kernel.
  • A general choice of \(f(y \vert \theta)\).

The latter proof is based on the Lebesgue differentiation theorem (LDT), discussed below.

The aim of this post is to generalise the result to a general likelihood and kernel satisfying K1-K3.

The two papers above are of most relevance to this post, but other related work on ABC convergence results includes the following:

  • Blum (2010), Fearnhead and Prangle (2012) and Biau (2015) derive results on the accuracy of estimates from ABC algorithms. These involve dealing with the error in the ABC posterior, as well as other sources of error.

  • Barber et al (2015) prove the convergence of ABC posterior expectations for a uniform kernel.

  • Bernton et al (2019) (Proposition 3.1) prove ABC posterior convergence following the approach of Rubio and Johansen, but under different conditions relevant to their purposes. Amongst other authors, they also consider a different asymptotic regime: \(n \to \infty\) (large number of observations).

Approximations of the identity

The key tool in the proof is the following result. I’m using the definitions and statement from Stein and Shakarchi “Real analysis: measure theory, integration, and Hilbert spaces” (2005).

For an integrable function \(g:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}\) (such as any probability density function), consider a convolution:

\[(g * K_\epsilon) (y_0) := \int K_\epsilon(y-y_0) g(y) dy\]

Stein and Shakarchi, Theorem 2.1 of Chapter 3, states that

\[\lim_{\epsilon \to 0} (g * K_\epsilon) (y_0) = g(y_0)\]

for almost all \(y_0\) if \(K_\epsilon\) is an approximation of the identity (AOTI). Conditions K1-K3 are sufficient for \(K_\epsilon\) to be a AOTI.


  • For small \(\epsilon\), the convolution operation approximates the identity operation. This is what the AOTI name refers to.
  • I use AOTI to refer to both the theorem, and the class of kernels for which it holds. Hopefully the distinction is clear from the context.
  • The LDT can be viewed as the special case of AOTI when \(K\) is the uniform kernel. Typically the LDT is proved first, and used to derive AOTI.
  • The analogous result to AOTI for discrete \(y\) is trivial. Therefore the main ABC convergence proof holds for discrete \(y\) with little modification. However I’m not sure what conditions are needed if \(f(\cdot|\theta)\) is a density with respect to a more general measure.
  • AOTI kernels are possible which do not take the form \(K_\epsilon(y) = \epsilon^{-n} K(y/\epsilon)\). One application of this is to adaptive ABC distance functions (as in Prangle 2017).
  • The full theorem statement in Stein and Shakarchi has more details on the definition of an AOTI kernel, and which \(y_0\) points the theorem holds for (the Lebesgue points of \(g\)).
  • Edit June 2023: In the context of AOTI, \(K_\epsilon\) is sometimes known as a mollifier.

ABC convergence proof part 1: pointwise convergence of the ABC likelihood

Applying AOTI gives that for almost all \(y_0\):

\[\begin{aligned} \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} L_\epsilon(\theta) &= \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \int K_\epsilon(y-y_0) f(y | \theta) dy \\ &= f(y_0 | \theta) \\ &= L(\theta). \end{aligned}\]

Remark: Rubio and Johansen give an elementary proof of this result for all \(y_0\) in the case of continuous \(f(\cdot \vert \theta)\), and some restrictions on \(K_\epsilon\). AOTI is needed for non-continuous \(f\).

ABC convergence proof part 2: convergence of the ABC normalising constant

We have:

\[\begin{aligned} Z_\epsilon &= \int p(\theta) \bigg[ \int K_\epsilon(y-y_0) f(y | \theta) dy \bigg] d\theta \\ &= \int K_\epsilon(y-y_0) \bigg[ \int p(\theta) f(y | \theta) d\theta \bigg] dy && \text{by Tonelli's theorem} \\ &= \int K_\epsilon(y-y_0) Z(y) dy. \end{aligned}\]

So applying AOTI gives \(\lim_{\epsilon \to 0} Z_\epsilon = Z(y_0) = Z\) for almost all \(y_0\).


  • Rubio and Johansen give a proof using the dominated convergence theorem, which requires boundedness conditions on \(f\).
  • This proof holds when \(p(\theta)\) is a density with respect to counting or more general measure.

ABC convergence proof part 3: conclusion

It remains to observe that for almost all \(y_0\):

\[\begin{aligned} \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} p_\epsilon(\theta | y_0) &= \frac{p(\theta) \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} L_\epsilon(\theta)}{\lim_{\epsilon \to 0} Z_\epsilon} \\ &= \frac{p(\theta) L(\theta)}{Z} \\ &= p(\theta | y_0) \end{aligned}\]

Note that A1 is implicitly used above. Finally, convergence in distribution follows from Scheffé’s theorem.

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